



国际著名免疫学家,中国科学院院士,上海交通大学唐仲英首席科学家,上海交通大学讲席教授,上海市免疫治疗创新研究院创始院长,博士生导师。美国科学促进会会士(2011年),中国医学科学院学部委员(2020年)。自2021年起任职于江南网页版官网 。董晨院士长期致力于T细胞研究和免疫治疗,是Th17细胞、Tfh细胞领域的奠基者和研究权威之一,两项成果入选“免疫学20年最重要20项开创性贡献”,相关成果写入经典免疫学教科书,也转化为临床治疗;在炎症和肿瘤疾病领域开展创新研究,做出国际领先的科学成就;为自身免疫疾病和肿瘤的免疫治疗提供新的线索,对医学发展和人民健康具有重大意义。

1. 董晨,2009,碧迪生物江南体育平台app下载 者奖(AAI-BD Biosciences Investigator Award)
2. 董晨,2018,首届臻溪生命学者奖
3. 董晨,2019,BioLegend-William.E.Paul细胞因子杰出研究奖
4. 董晨,2019,吴阶平医药创新奖
5. 董晨,2020,孙思邈肿瘤研究与治疗杰出贡献奖
1. T细胞相关免疫耐受和免疫应答的分子调控机制;
2. 自身免疫性疾病、炎症和肿瘤中的新型肿瘤免疫治疗方法。
1. Xindong Liu, Yun Wang, Huiping Lu, Jing Li, Xiaowei Yan, Minglu Xiao, Jing Hao, Andrei Alekseev, Hiep Khong, Tenghui Chen, Rui Huang, Jin Wu, Qiwen Zhao, Qi Wu, Senlin Xu, Xiaohu Wang, Wei Jin, Shicang Yu, Yan Wang, Lai Wei, Aibo Wang, Bo Zhong, Ling Ni, Xiaolong Liu, Roza Nurieva, Lilin Ye, Qiang Tian, Xiu-Wu Bian, Chen Dong*. Genome-wide analysis identifies NR4A1 as a key mediator of T cell dysfunction. Nature. 2019,3:567(7749):525-529. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-0979-8
2. Jinling Huang, Hae-Youn Lee, Xiaohong Zhao, Jinyi Han, Yang Su, Qinli Sun, Jing Shao, Jiwan Ge, Yuxi Zhao, Xue Bai, Yi He, Xinquan Wang, Xiaohu Wang, Chen Dong*. Interleukin-17D regulates group 3 innate lymphoid cell function through its receptor CD93. Immunity. 2021,4:54(4):673-686.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.03.018
3. Siyuan Wan, Lu Ni, Xiaohong Zhao, Xindong Liu, Wei Xu, Wei Jin, Xiaohu Wang, Chen Dong*. Costimulation molecules differentially regulate the ERK-Zfp831 axis to shape T follicular helper cell differentiation. Immunity. 2021,12:54(12):2740-2755.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.09.01
4. Dehui Chang, Qi Xing, Yang Su, Xiaohong Zhao, Wei Xu, Xiaohu Wang, Chen Dong*. The Conserved Non-coding Sequences CNS6 and CNS9 Control Cytokine-Induced Rorc Transcription during T Helper 17 Cell Differentiation. Immunity. 2020,9:53(3):614-626.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.07.012
5. Ling Ni, Fang Ye, Meng-Li Cheng, Yu Feng, Yong-Qiang Deng, Hui Zhao, Peng Wei, Jiwan Ge, Mengting Gou, Xiaoli Li, Lin Sun, Tianshu Cao, Pengzhi Wang, Chao Zhou, Rongrong Zhang, Peng Liang, Han Guo, Xinquan Wang, Cheng-Feng Qin, Fang Chen, Chen Dong*. Detection of SARS-CoV-2-Specific Humoral and Cellular Immunity in COVID-19 Convalescent Individuals. Immunity. 2020,6:52(6):971-977.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.04.023
6. Xiaohu Wang, Lu Ni, Siyuan Wan, Xiaohong Zhao, Xiao Ding, Anne Dejean, Chen Dong*. Febrile Temperature Critically Controls the Differentiation and Pathogenicity of T Helper 17 Cells. Immunity. 2020,2:52(2):328-341.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.01.006
7. Wei Xu, Xiaohong Zhao, Xiaoshuang Wang, Han Feng, Mengting Gou, Wei Jin, Xiaohu Wang, Xindong Liu, Chen Dong*. The Transcription Factor Tox2 Drives T Follicular Helper Cell Development via Regulating Chromatin Accessibility. Immunity. 2019,11:51(5):826-839.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.10.006
8. Miao Xu, Huiping Lu, Young-Hee Lee, Yelin Wu, Kewei Liu, Yuling Shi, Haoran An, Jingren Zhang, Xiaohu Wang, Yuping Lai, Chen Dong*. An Interleukin-25-Mediated Autoregulatory Circuit in Keratinocytes Plays a Pivotal Role in Psoriatic Skin Inflammation. Immunity. 2018,4:48(4):787-798.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.03.019
9. Jing Li, Younghee Lee, Yanjian Li, Yu Jiang, Huiping Lu, Wenjuan Zang, Xiaohong Zhao, Liguo Liu, Yang Chen, Haidong Tan, Zhiying Yang, Michael Q Zhang, Tak W Mak, Ling Ni, Chen Dong*. Co-inhibitory Molecule B7 Superfamily Member 1 Expressed by Tumor-Infiltrating Myeloid Cells Induces Dysfunction of Anti-tumor CD8+ T Cells. Immunity. 2018,4:48(4):773-786.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.03.018
董晨院士在Nature、Science、Immunity等顶级期刊发表论文260余篇,总被引用次数高达34000余次,H指数90; 7年被评为全球“高被引科学家”。董晨院士先后荣获美国免疫学家协会BD Bioscience研究者奖(2009年)、国际细胞因子与干扰素协会BioLegend-William. E. Paul细胞因子杰出研究奖(2019年)、吴阶平基金会医药创新奖和吴阶平-保罗·杨森医学药学奖(2019年)、第九届孙思邈肿瘤研究治疗杰出贡献奖(2020年)等奖项。现任中国细胞生物学会理事,中国免疫学会常务理事,Front Immunol·T Cell Biology主编,中国科学·生命科学、Curr Opin Immunol和Adv Immunol副主编,Immunity、Cell Research等期刊的编委。回国后作为科学创始人建立鑫康合和毕诺济生物科技公司,合作研发产品有一项进入临床II期,一项全球原创进入I期。


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